AuthorUpdates for the upcoming documentary and easy way to keep everything properly organized Archives
March 2023
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I Know I'm Behind3/21/2023 Fact is I'm a little behind as I've been focused on content creation away from the website and I didn't think to update the announcement. At this point we are around three weeks away from the release of the "Twitch Project." For those who might not be aware for the last two years I've been building this story the previously unnamed project was formed through just me having a ton of free time. I've worked with a number twitch streamers just having conversations about there experiences on the platform and how things have changed even within the last few years. I'm still unfamiliar with RedCircle and podcast outlets like Amazon, Spotify or Apple Music. Podcasting is something I've never really been in front of or know a lot about and am still learning more about everyday. Easiest way to put it is below all of the information is included:
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TImeline for the Documentary2/5/2023 Late last year momentum was building to the eventual release of the documentary but it ran up with the beginning of the holiday season and fell victim to the holiday business. I do believe at this point it would be fair to try and get the momentum going again and get the documentary out. Figuring on a timeline for an eventual release and get things together to make it easier for not just me but you all as well. One thing I will explain is I don't know how specific I should be considering it will end up painting me into a corner.
Timeline for the Documentary Finish editing remaining conversations Set up Podcast account Figure on the best way to release parts Teasers for release Release date Actually release documentary in full Anticipated Release: Spring 2023 Note: It is very likely whenever I do get to the point where I feel comfortable enough to release the documentary that I will release each part of the documentary over the course of a week to give each part a chance to be spotlighted. Stay tuned!!
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Documentary Update 11/31/2023 Near the end of last year a lot of momentum was building to the eventual release of the documentary, but the holidays halted the momentum. I've been building the story of the documentary for almost two years as life has really gotten in the way for more then one reason. Recently, I've been trying to get back on track with the documentary and spend some time getting the ball rolling again. I'm still unsure about promotion and building the hype as this is something that is still unfamiliar to me but that is why I will be using something that is a bit more familiar to me as an aid.
Though I don't write as much as I used to, using writing as a tool is still something that I'm very comfortable with and think I will likely always be comfortable with. However, right now there really isn't a direction or a plan with the documentary. The point of this update is to say that I'm working on one. Basically the plan will be setting up a timeline and going through the timeline to allow us to simplify the process of building to the eventual debut of the documentary. This documentary has been a labor of love unquestionably and something that I still think would be an amazing idea and might be the start of a bigger concept of more documentaries down the road. Thank you for all the love and excitement for the eventual release and also thank you to everyone who had a part in the documentary. I will keep you all updated on all the progress of the documentary from now until we see the eventual release.
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Documentary BAckground1/31/2023 Since the very beginning I've always tried to be a little different and use that as the way to stick out but it doesn't always work. Mainly the reason it doesn't always work is that sometimes you go too far off the beaten track and people just wonder why exactly you don't just go a more traditional route. Partly I've debated going a more traditional route and stepping back a bit from the uniqueness of the channel to try and appeal to more people. However, the documentary was something born out of curiosity more than an attempt to be unique.
I built this idea from seeing Bright Sun Films put together his own documentary on Six Flags New Orleans. I know it might be random and a little crazy that an idea seemingly on one spectrum born another idea in a different spectrum. Basically, Bright Sun made a documentary based on something that we were very passionate about and put in the work to make sure it happened so I had to do the same thing. I built everything up from square one and none of it would be possible without the connections I've formed over the last few years. Have you ever wondered about the mindset of a Twitch Streamer and what brings them to the platform with the purple logo. Fact is everyone makes the move to the platform for different reasons and a lot of it is tied back to the pandemic and how that time affected everyone around. Again more to come as we continue to build our story with the timeline coming soon. |