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Bound For Glory Hype9/26/2016 A few years ago we saw TNA basically cut their entire PPV schedule excluding only four PPV's and then after a bit they would proceed to cut all but two PPV's namely Bound For Glory and Slammiversary. Even with all the negatives that have been surrounding TNA recently with the new ownership on their way to the company and how desperate they are right now. Now we move to some more positive like building up the biggest PPV of the year for the company. So now let's put aside the uncertainty and focus on the past and look back to some great moments from the past editions of Bound For Glory. This was one of the better brawls from TNA's past in the blow off of one of the greatest feuds between Bobby Roode vs James Storm.
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TNA: What is Happening Now9/24/2016 The never ending story it seems like as for everything good that happens for TNA there are three or four bad things that happen. Now I know a lot of information has been hitting our computer screens, but let's sift through it slowly and take the time to look over every detail. Also by the end of things I will let you guys and gals know who I believe who could be the secret company that is very interested in competing with the WWE.
For months we have heard rumors of both Sinclair Broadcasting and Aroluxe purchasing a controlling interest in the company. At last word the reason why Aroluxe actually didn't gain the power in the company is because they weren't able to come up with the capital in time to purchase the interest. Any fans who may not be aware of Sinclair's interest in the company well it has been said that the company is looking to repackage one of their channels and make pro-wrestling pretty much the center point of the channel. The biggest interest that Sinclair has in the company is the fact that they have international television deals in I believe India and the UK which is basically the best thing the company has going for them. This means that if either of these companies are able to purchase the company then they both will keep the company as a separate entity and as an active company. I don't think that anyone needs me to elaborate on Billy Corgan or why he hopes to gain the controlling interest in the company. With that being said I will instead focus my attention on the other known interested party that being World Wrestling Entertainment. Now I know that most people see these words and think that this could be worst thing that'd happen. Though I will say this that I agree with that logic because if the WWE isn't going to keep TNA in business then I do believe it is the worst thing that could happen. As of this writing the WWE is interested in TNA for their tape library and considering they have brought in a good number of former TNA talent purchasing the tape library could be very beneficial to the company as far as making new content. If you by chance saw a recent article on this subject and they mentioned that the evaluation for TNA puts the worth for the company at around 40 million dollars. I can honestly tell you that if you think TNA is worth that number you are sadly mistaking and there is in fact no possible way that Dixie would be able to get even half of that for TNA. The last thing I wanted to mention in this part is that WWE will likely only end up with the company if the company basically has to be given away which I honestly don't think will happen, so with that being said I think it is very unlikely that the WWE will purchase the company. For more on this subject stay tuned as I will further elaborate on all other news in Part 2 which I will post next week sometime as I didn't really want to make this too long. Also I will give you my take on who I think the mystery company could be!!
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Cody Rhodes Heading to TNA9/20/2016 Though this is a big signing for TNA as Cody is one of if not the biggest name out there right now. So this should help TNA in stabilizing the company in the long run I would think, because they have done very well with miss used WWE talent. However, that's my exact point bringing in Cody so soon after Aaron Rex's debut with the company makes it seem like TNA was just waiting for these guys to get let go from the WWE. Even though they did work for the company they weren't big names and weren't really last seen in the best light so that hurt their value in my book.
I know the old WWEism is that if they are gone from TV for a certain amount of time we will forget about them and that is the case for people who either needed a break or aren't over. Both Sandow and Cody were over and they took that to the Indies, but didn't really stick around that long on the open market before being brought to Impact. It's almost like TNA could be looked at as a land for past failures to be redone and yes I am aware in few cases it has worked for them, but that doesn't mean they should keep going that way. See the reason I chose to take this route with this post is because well for two reasons. The number 1 reason is because Cody with a price as his wife Brandi will be joining him in TNA as a part of the Knockout's division. The former Ring announcer will be a part of the knockouts division I think you gave a little too much to get Cody. Unless of course Brandi has been training on the side then I hope this benefits TNA even more. Another reason why I took this perspective isn't to bash on TNA, but to say that Impact Wrestling doesn't have it's own identity because they keep taking former WWE stars and have gotten a bad reputation. I know it would take longer, but they should've invested in new talent or talent off the indies like WWE did or they did with the Wolves and build them up from brick 1. Also being the outlet for how the fans get to know and recognize a talent from. Building from within maybe harder, but it is better than taking everyone from another place because if you build from within then your able to make your own identity.
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So Far Back Sunday: Let TJP Be TJP9/18/2016 Since his debuted in TNA under the mysterious mask under name of Suicide and then later known as Manik. Now almost 2-3 years after debuting under the mask and remaining under the mask for all of that time it has lead TJ to want more. It was a few weeks ago when TJ started his campaign to get TNA to allow him to become TJ Perkins in TNA and dropped the Maink gimmick. So basically he wants to unmask and be himself as a way to repackage himself get rid of the gimmick he's had for almost 3 years. I do that it is time to drop that gimmick all together in my book when they changed his name from Suicide to Manik I thought it was a good time to drop the gimmick and let him be TJ, but TNA chose to keep him masked and just change his name.
Now even though TJ would like a name change it is being that said that he's being ignored by TNA management in his efforts to get his name changed. In general if TJP never had been unmasked or was making a lot more money because of his mask then he could without out it those would be good reasons for him to keep the mask on. However, TJ has been wrestling for over a decade at this point and is only still in his early 20's which tells you the type of career this kid may still have ahead of him. I think letting TJ be himself in TNA would allow for a fresh set of idea to go TJ's way as he would be portrayed as a new face even though he had already been with the company. But we shall see what happens as you never what TNA will do next
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Over the last 14 years I will not lie TNA has had some good ideas, but a lot of bad ideas and at first I thought that Gut Check was a really good idea and a great way to introduce talent to the fans especially if you wanted to sign them. By the end of the gimmicks run it became some what of a joke, but at first it was good. The first edition of Gut Check is remembered because of the botch that is spoken about below. See in this segment there 3 judges I believe it was D' Lo Brown, Bruce Pritchard, and Ric Flair and then after the first or second one Flair was gone so he got replaced. But very early on in the Gut Check run we saw former OVW talent youngster Alex Silva participant in the segment and win the match which meant he was up for a contract. However, the plan was for him to not get one take a look and hear what actually happened. No wonder why they stopped doing Gut Check!
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Dixie in Control?9/1/2016 For months we heard about how an investor may be making their way to TNA, but every time we heard a new possibility for the company it kept coming back to the one thing and that is Majority Control of TNA. At this point it's been a few months at least since the news broke that former front man of the Smashing Pumpkins and Owner of Resistance Pro-Wrestling Billy Corgan had bought a stake in the company. I will say to the credit of both Dixie and Billy it seems like things may be heading the right direction for TNA which is great to see.
As of this writing though it's been said that Dixie may slowly begin to be phased out from TNA wrestling in general and though it will not happen right away it's something I think needs to happen. This for once is not my way of insulting Dixie as it is more about the fact that in reality it could be good for TNA to have someone new at the helm of the company for the first time in a very long time. So as it seems now Dixie will be losing her control to Billy Corgen in time, but my question is of all the people she could have chosen as far as investors was Billy the best choice. No offense to Billy as I am not looking at like that I am more so looking at from a perspective of shouldn't money have been the most important thing over who bought the stake because without the money the company was going to go under. Either way nice move by TNA and I hope that the change will lead to future success for the company and it can once again become a stable alternative to the WWE. |