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Creepiest Characters 2: Rellik & Black Reign10/29/2016 For every good idea like the X-Division we have Don West the manager. For every "Monster Abyss" we have a "Nation of Violence" or for every "Wildcat" and "Tennessee Cowboy" we have a "Killer and a psychopath." A gimmick has always been hit or miss for companies and one those misses for TNA was when they repackaged Dustin Rhodes as the alter ego from the inner realm of his own mind as Black Reign. I think Dustin is proving just how much of a failure this gimmick was by how much success he has been having WWE. Just a side note the other part of this post is about another failed gimmick that of a "killer." I am one of many people who believed that Johnny Stamboli had the talent to achieve more success in the wrestling business they he did. The best way to give someone a new start is to repackage them unfortunately a repackaged wrestler can either catch on or be a big miss. Rellik was a big miss and even though Rellik is Killer backwards that didn't generate success or interest in the new gimmick for Johnny Stamboli or TNA. Take a look:
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Before they Were Stars: Consequence Creed10/26/2016 One look at this man and we all know who he would become later in his career. At this point in his wrestling career Creed has been in the business for a little over four years. Creed was one of the many up and comers who were luck enough to be given an opportunity in a TNA at this point. Unfortunately or some might say fortunately for Consequences Creed he was the victim of one of TNA's first transition periods in the early part of this decade. As most of your know Consequences Creed would move on from TNA and head to NXT first and then would be one of the first "New Age" talents to be called up after Triple H took over. Now known as Xavier Woods in the WWE he is having one of the best runs I have seen in a long time with Kofi and Big E as members of the New Day.
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This Day in Wrestling History: 10/22/1610/22/2016 After a very long break I finally have a PPV we can talk about and remember. Potential was the word of the day to describe this show especially looking at the card and seeing how many big names are on this card. Also looking at this card and seeing how many names on this list are now in the WWE like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, and a couple of others. This event would begin Stinger's perfect record at the Bound For Glory event and this would also be Sting's first major World Title win since 1999 when he won the WCW title and this was also the first time since 1990 that he won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. TNA Bound For Glory 2006Austin Starr def. (pin) A-1, Alex Shelley, D-Ray 3000, Elix Skipper, Jay Lethal, Johnny Devine, Kazarian, Maverick Matt, Norman Smiley, Petey Williams, Shark Boy, Short Sleeve Sampson, Sirelda, Sonjay Dutt, Zach Gowen "Kevin Nash Open Invitational X Division Gauntlet Battle Royal"
Brother Devon & Brother Ray def. (pin) Chris Harris & James Storm, B. G. James & Kip James, Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens Samoa Joe def. (pin) Abyss, Brother Runt, Raven referee: Jake Roberts Monsters Ball Eric Young def. (pin) Larry Zbyszko "Loser Gets Fired" Chris Sabin def. (pin) Senshi NWA X-Division Title Christian Cage def. (pin) Rhino "8-Mile Street Fight" Hernandez & Homicide def. (pin) A.J. Styles & Christopher Daniels Six Sides of Steel (tag)NWA Tag Team Titles Sting def. (sub) Jeff Jarrett (c) referee: Kurt Angle Title vs. Career NWA World Heavyweight Title
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Rebuild Reclaim Recapture: Broken Hardy10/19/2016 Probably the most fun I have is coming up with new series to keep things different and unique from all the other sites out there right now. The one thing about pro-wrestling that some don't realize is that pro-wrestling is ever changing and either a wrestler keeps changing as time goes on or may be knocked out of the loop. This series is dedicated to those who took a chance and reinvented themselves by either just turning heel or face, changing a gimmick, completely getting make over as a way to keep their career going for a few more years.
With how talk about the Broken gimmick has been among fans it would be hard to select anyone else for the first installment of the newest series. The name Hardy has been around the wrestling world for almost 20 years at this point and they have really stayed on top of the wrestling world in some form and kept changing with the times. Over the last year we have seen the biggest change thus far as this is by far the biggest change we have seen thus far for either brother. Though at this point both of them have endured the broken transformation and are extremely different then any of their past gimmick shifts. Though in my opinion I think that the "Broken" gimmick is too over the top and not really my cup of tea it is visibly over and a very unique gimmick. I also believe that this gimmick is giving a much needed boos to both the Hardy's careers which I think in turn is prolonging their careers for a couple of more years as it is giving us a break from what we have seen as the norm so I would class this gimmick shift as a success and though his run is still going on to this date so we don't know how long of a run he will have as broken.
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Random Wrestling Video of the Day10/8/2016 It has been quite a while since the last time I did this type of post as every time I seem to want to do it the title of the post always changes to something better. But not that this as there really isn't anything coming to mind to describe this video I am going to share with you. Earlier today I happen to stumble upon a video interview with Cody Rhodes and he speaks on a variety subject mostly having to do with his tenure in the WWE, but he also talks about his father. Instead of me adding some useless drivel I am going to let the video talk for me: Enjoy!!
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TNA Update 310/5/2016 It's time for one final update until the deal is done as to what is going on behind the camera with the sale of TNA wrestling to someone other than the Carter family. For the last 14 years we have seen the company lead by or financed by the Carter's and Panda Energy, but now after all this time the money trail has ended and the poor decision and the spending has caught up with TNA and has lead to this. I have said this before and will continue until this isn't a question anymore if you want this company to go out of business then you Aren't a REAL Wrestling Fan!!! because you should be rooting for them to stick around and hoping for the sake of those who have jobs with TNA that they are able to keep their jobs and remain in a position where they can get more eyes on the business and keep it in the public eye.
Yes I know there is Ring of Honor and Lucha Underground now and that wrestling isn't in the same position it was after we lost ECW and WCW 15 years ago, but that's not the point. The point is we are in a better position, dare I say a fantastic position due to the high number of companies that have TV contracts today and just the success rate that a lot of companies have today should tell you how healthy the business is. At this point we have spoken everything that I feel deserves to be mentioned except two newly known aspects of the sale of TNA wrestling. The first is that as of this writing it has been said that of the four parties involved in the sale of the company it is almost impossible at this point to believe WWE will end up with TNA. This is due to Dixie Carter going on record saying that she will not sell to Vince McMahon and the WWE, I don't blame her! The second may already be known but it also has to do with me being serious for a second because I have something to say that I know not everyone will agree with. I know that giving up on something you have invested so much into over an extended period of time isn't easy and has to be extremely difficult, but it's time to let a new party captain the ship to see if they can keep the ship afloat or if the ship is destined to sink. It doesn't matter who the new captain is all I know for sure is that it's time for Dixie to cut her loses and save the company while she still can save it. Note: At last word it has been said that we will not know anything about the TNA sale until the end of the TV tapings which are upcoming and still set to happen in the near future. Though we have only heard about the mystery company once I did say that by the end I would not only say where I thought the company be going but also who I thought the mystery company was. So I will say that at first I thought that TNA would be sold to WWE, but after seeing the report that Dixie said she wouldn't sell to Vince I think it's very likely that the mystery company will end up with TNA and I think that mystery company is Classic Wrestling Revolution. Remember CWR aka the company we haven't heard anything about since the end of 2015, but who have the financial backing of a very wealthy individual. Who knows where the company will go, for the right answer we will have to wait and see.
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TNA Update 210/1/2016 So after seeing how many people cared about the poll I put up on twitter about the TNA sale I figured I should do another update post on the sale of the company. Fact is the wrestling world has been talking about TNA wrestling for days or weeks at this point as everyone is wondering what will happen tomorrow at Bound for Glory. Well before we get into that let's back track a little to understand what is exactly going on and to change things up I am choosing to use bullet point instead of just talking about the information.
- Reports have stated that one member of TNA management is severely over complicating the sale of the company. (if only WCW had someone fitting this hard for the company) Though most people are looking at it in a negative way I am going to chose to change things up and say that the fact she is making things tough only shows how much she cares about the company. However, this time isn't like the other times when rumors about the company sold were out in the public as it seems like things are a bit more serious this time around which is very unfortunate; and anyone who say otherwise isn't a real wrestling fan. - Even though Mr. Corgan is in the running to purchase the company it has been said that without investors the problems wouldn't go away for TNA which is very unfortunate and unless things change on that front I don't see him gaining the power of the company because then this could be happening again next but with less press coverage. The idea that Billy is trying very hard to keep the TNA legacy going really changes my otherwise negative opinion of the former Smashing pumpkins front man. - Where does the WWE fit into all this you ask? Well truth be told as of this writing it doesn't really seem as though the WWE will be the winning bidders for the company which could be a great thing for both the fans and wrestling as a whole. But I would put a 20% likelihood on that happening in the future which is by far the lowest number of any rumored buyer. So be still your beating hearts and ever though my opinion may not carry much weight still however much value you give it I will say I don't see WWE buying TNA! The last The last item for business is that out of the four rumored selection I think TNA is mostly going to go the mystery buyer, because much like baseball the mystery team usually wins out by surprise and I think that plays out here. Which maybe unfortunate in some fans eyes but think about the idea that TNA in business is better then TNA being out of business even if it mean them rebranding the company to get a second chance. There will be one more update next week sometime to go over what happens on Sunday and the rest of this week with the taping in the earlier part of the week. |