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Old Series Coming Back6/25/2016 Evolution comes through everything it doesn't really matter if you notice it or not change happens and is something that has to be dealt with easy or not easy. We've only been back with our original site and I have to say that it feels awesome to be back with our original home as I feel like the passion and the excitement has returned and I'm glad I stuck with this to where I am actually happy doing it again.
I have been writing about wrestling on the internet for almost around 7-8 years at this point and over that time I have seen a variety of series come and go. Recently an old series actually came back that being my one time daily series called This Day in Wrestling History and though the concept of the series maybe self explanatory I am still actually pretty glad to have brought that series almost full circle I suppose. But not every series I have done is like This Day Wrestling History were it comes back as some series either stick around too long and over stay their welcome or just next to impossible to revive. Then again a series like Moment in Time or Let's Play (Originally How I Would Book it) are two of my oldest and most viewed series. Point is basically everything has a shelf life and reach their expiration date even online "post" series like I do on a monthly or weekly or even bi-weekly basis. The point of this post isn't to just put over the past it is also to build up for the future as I will say that in the coming weeks some new series will begin and old series will continue. Also an old series or two may start to pop back up I don't think a lot of them will return, but I think it might be better to say that it depends on the reaction the series get to help me figure out their future. Don't forget to let your voice be heard whenever possible as this ride isn't as fun alone.
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WCW Thursday Thunder6/23/2016 At one time the week was full of wrestling as both the WWE and WCW had two shows during a week and both companies had over 6 hours of TV every week. It is not an understatement when someone tells you that the late 1990's was a golden age for professional wrestling. Now with today being Thursday the old day in which WCW's second show Thunder was held on I figured it'd only fitting to jump back in time and visit an old episode of WCW Thunder. Enjoy!!
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Wrestling in the Media Part 16/22/2016 One year ago I did something on this site called Asking the Crowd and that was a five week series wear I asked 7 or 8 wrestling fans a variety of questions. Since then and before that I have done a lot of different fan interaction posts on this site to get you guys and gals involved in what I am posting. Now we have the biggest post yet as you will see in the coming weeks a lot of people have gotten involved in this post and I couldn't be happier. Thanks to everyone partook and I hope you enjoy!! Question 1: Will Pro-Wrestling Ever Be Respect by Main Stream Media? Let's Play TEW: It can be. Look at comic books. It is possible to go from the butt of the joke to the forefront of pop culture. That said wrestling needs a crisp product with stories that capture the average person again. Christelle: Yes because you must successfully entertained while doing physical prowess. Eamon Corbin: Yes and no. I always respect each and every wrestler past and present for paying their dues, sacrificing time and punishment for years. I will always respect Vince McMahon for WrestleMania and what WWE has been all these years for the fans. But I lost respect when it became about what they wanted. Guys who look like Cena get 30 championships while smaller talented guys get nothing. Roman desperately needs to be the next guy in Vince's mind, so much in fact that he's willing to put his own creation WrestleMania, to absolute shame and has been willing to put Roman against all boos and all hatred from the fans just hoping and praying that with a "sufferin sucatache" he could finally get over. But he hasn't and he won't. And for that WWE and Vince have lost some of my respect so it's a yes and no. Raw Attitude Podcast: No, wrestling will never be fully respected by the mainstream media because so many people still have the idea in their heads that wrestling is simply "that fake thing The Rock used to do." Whereas other organizations have the broad appeal of the masses (e.g. -- NFL, MLB, NBA), wrestling caters to a very niche audience, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We do occasionally see pockets of mainstream acceptance (ESPN covering "WrestleMania 32," TMZ breaking the story of Lana and Rusev's engagement), but other than that, the only coverage you're probably going to see from major media outlets is when the next former WWE personality dies far sooner than he/she should have. AttitudeofAgression: I think wrestling is definitely moving in the direction of mainstream media acceptance. The best evidence of this is what is going on with ESPN. You now have a weekly interview segment with a top star on Sports Center every single week. That is huge because you have so many people who complain that wrestling is "fake" and the guys and gals are not real athletes. Well, having ESPN feature them really undercuts that argument. You are seeing the same sort of evolution taking place with eSports (such as League of Legends). Now, if you are asking whether ESPN ever gives a whole segment to the Main Event of Mania, like when the Super Bowl is, I don't see that happening. But the world is a lot smaller now and with blogs, podcasts, the Internet, and ready access to information, I think you are seeing wrestling cross over into the mainstream media more than ever before. Wrestlers are being recognized as the tremendous athletes that they have always been. Exciting times. Ken Johnson: As a whole, maybe not because most either think it is all fake(which to that I like to say, wrestling is just scripted, because you can't fake gravity) or childish or a combination of the two. I do however think that they will or do respect some individuals in the wrestling profession. Anthony Walker: Yeah I believe it can be but only if it is created right IE creative booking and that but for it to be respected I think they need to drop the PG era that's my view. War Eagle #WWE: That is an amazing question. I feel that the media is leaning that way, with the superstars being included on such shows as ESPN, Good Morning America, and so on. This may be due to the superstars undeniable fame and not respect. Wrestling as a sport has never really found its place in mainstream media but I feel the times are changing, with the popularity and with the overwhelming support of the fans it can happen. For more from these fine people:
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Home At Last6/20/2016 I will elaborate more on this in the coming days but it feels so very good to be back on Weebly and to back in control of my site. Hopefully everything goes well in the coming as I had some unwarranted fears about moving back here. As I promised on June 20, 2016.... Wrestling Express was going home.
Boy does it feel great to be back home!! This week and in the coming weeks I have some big plans and also in coming days I have some big interview. I will keep you all updated on this stuff on twitter. Thank you all for the continued support I am entirely grateful to each and everyone you giving me a purpose. I told you at the start of the year that this roller coaster was just getting started and having you guys and gals coming along for the ride with me makes it all the more fun and entertaining. So I hope you stay interested and are as excited about what to come as I am. |