January 2024
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For this week's edition of So Far Back Sunday we take a trip back in time to the fall of 2013 when Hulk Hogan was still a part of TNA Wrestling. How many of you guys remember when Brooke Hogan actually was employed by TNA wrestling for a short time. Well this post is about how Hulk got pissed when they let his daughter go and a preview for the following event
I just found out that Hulk Hogan is unhappy with how TNA handled his daughter Brooke's release from the company. He feels they should have informed him first and allowed him to handle it as oppose to the way they did it. Which was letting her go without giving him notice. I think they are both in the wrong here as TNA could have told Hulk that they were letting Brooke go; but Hulk has to notice this isn't his company and he doesn't have a say in who gets let go or in the matter they do. Now an interesting note, this past set of Impact taping's was the first time Dixie, Hulk, & Eric were together backstage in while. Also with Hogan's contract ending on October 1st will next week's Impact be the last one for Hulk or will TNA settle. Keep an eye on your Wrestling News sites for the most updated information. As for what I think well, I think that some fans may get what they wanted which is Hulk off TNA TV. I will be sure post more when I find it.
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The Truth About Why I Write4/23/2015 A couple of weeks ago I called into question people who run with stories or post stories on their site or blog without first either putting forth effort to prove the story or at least saying it is a rumor and making sure everyone knows it is. This post will not be about that it has nothing to do with those people who don't have enough pride in their work or care about their readers enough to post confirmed and truthful stories. This post is about me and I am here writing every day and night for you all to read. As you all know I have been at this for a good amount of time at this point and even after 6 years I can say that I really do still enjoy doing this tremendously. But my writing has never really been about finding insider information and being a "dirt-sheet" or a wrestling news site. For the last 16 years I have lived, breathed, ate, and slept wrestling and would not trade any of that time that I spent being a fan for the world. As I mentioned above for the last 6 years I have had a phenomenal experience of being able to use the internet to freely express my opinion about the sport that I have such a passion for and have a vast knowledge of. Before y'all jump to any conclusions I am not shutting down this site and will get to my point right now. I will admit that there used to be a time where I was a "proud member" of the IWC or Internet Wrestling Community, but because of the attitude of fellow members and the fact that I woke up to realize that most people in that community forgot what it is like to be a fan. If I am being honest for a time I forgot what it was like to be a fan, and I will say that I am very ashamed of that, because right now being a fan should be the most important thing for me. As that is what I am, I am not a writer, I am not a worker, and I have absolutely No right to tell wrestlers how to work; because I am a fan of the wrestling industry and am damn proud of it as should anyone else who’s a FAN!! And by the way if you’re not a part of the wrestling business in reality then not are you delusional, but you’re just a fan like everyone else. Top of Form Truth be told I guess what I am saying that people get so wrapped up in how they believe a company should be run or how a wrestler should be booked, or what move should have been in at a particular time or even in the arena. If you're going to spend your money or your time to watch a wrestling show just to complain about it, then you need to take a look at yourself and how your life, because it must be very depressing if you willingly sit through something you hate just to complain about it. There is so much more to the industry that one has to learn before they can say honestly that they could book a show, I know a vast amount about this profession, but will NEVER say I know everything because I don't though I am extremely willing and always open to learn more. Years ago I firmly believed that I could have done a better job booking 6 hours of WWE a week the team they had in place could, but now I realize I was ignorant as booking 6 hours of TV a week is extremely difficult and stressful. I guess the point I am trying to make is that no matter how much knowledge I learn about this profession, I hope never to lose touch with the idea that right now I am a fan. Though I write about wrestling on a daily basis that doesn't mean I am special or know what is happening backstage, because not every site is about that. I want this site to be known and remembered for having honest, truthful, and real posts that were confirmed or that I tried my damn hardest to confirm. Bottom of Form For the last 4 months I have done everything for this site by myself, and I wouldn't trade any of the time I spent editing, writing, researching to make the site better, for anything in the world, because every night when I go look at the stats and I see the amount of people that have read my stuff over the course the day it is the most rewarding and humbling thing in the world and I think anyone who has never felt it should feel it because it is a great feeling. I would love and be honored to share it with anyone willing to take on the responsibility to write posts with pride and respect for the reader.
To reiterate from before this is not the end of the site, I give you my word and I hope that means something. It is just that if I have learned anything from a particular promoter it's that always being honest with the people who view/read your product is the right way to do business. I am very extremely grateful for the amount support I have received and continue to receive for this site, and you guys and gals are what drives me to keep doing it. Thank You for giving a purpose and helping me realize writing isn't all that bad. Also Thank You for reading by far the longest post I have ever done not separated into multiple parts. Last Thank You is once again to all of you for allowing me to poor out my emotion in the form of words and a very long "essay" I am extremely appreciative.
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For this week's edition I will take you back to the summer of 2013, when the Briscoe Brothers had just went down with injuries and ROH was trying to fill the void of losing their World Champion. Below is a look back at the tournament ROH held to crown a New World Champion: After Best in the World new broke that Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe were both injured in their matches and due to that fact the ROH World Title has been vacate. At first I thought no luck for ROH losing two top talents. But I also think that if ROH makes this tournament right they have many new stars. This tournament could be big for them as it could be what some of their stars needed to move forward and break through. The tournament thus far: Michael Elgin BJ Whitmer Brian Kendrick Paul London Jay Lethal Kevin Steen Adam Cole Karl Anderson Matt Taven Sonjay Dutt Tomasso Ciampa Roderick Strong Silas Young vs Adam Page (Winner enters the Tournament Fans Vote the 15th man into the match, 1 more to go who do you guys think it is. Also would do you guys think win the tournament, I hope to see another first time champion in that match, but also see the ascension of new stars in this tournament. Last guy will be announced tomorrow.
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One of the things I have always prided myself on is being able to come up with unique ideas for post series that would make my site different than others. Well I would like to think that this is one of those post series that would make my site different. In this post series I will basically look for interesting posts on other wrestling blogs that I feel like sharing with you guys and gals here on my site. I am doing this I guess to spread the love and help other people in the WWW (Worldwide Wrestling Web) get more noticed. Now you might say "Why are you wasting your time and site space on other people's work." Well my answer is that I always liked reading about wrestling and instead of just taking the guy's idea and reusing it on my site I felt that I should give them the credit they deserve.
Looking at the name of the post series "Great Ideas That Didn't Last" I think that the title of the series is awesome, because if you do some research and spread the post out enough then the series could go for a while. This post on Shotgun Saturday Night is awesome and very insightful, I found out something things about the original WWE B Show that I never knew. Like on one episode of Shotgun Saturday Night they actually had Terry Funk vs Stone Cold in a Texas Bar Boom Brawl or when Triple H fought The Undertaker in a match at Penn Station and the finish of the match saw Triple H take a tombstone pile driver on an Escalator!! To find out other moments that Shotgun Saturday Night special your gonna have to read the post. Below is an excerpt from the post, but for the full post visit: "In January of 1997, the WWF was in the middle of a promotional war with WCW for pro wrestling supremacy. While Raw was still the flagship program for the WWF….a new…secondary show was created. About 2 years before the birth of Smackdown there was a show called ‘Shotgun Saturday Night.’ It was innovative and truly something unique that was never tried before by the WWF. What made this show so different from Raw? Firstly, it was broadcast late nights on Saturdays. Secondly, the shows were initially not held in a typical arena..but rather nightclubs and bars and even a train station. It seemed at least to me upfront…Raw was the A show to compete with World Championship Wrestling…While Shotgun was the B show and would go after a fringe audience to compete with ECW." Author's Note: Right now I am not sure if this will be a weekly occurrence as I don't have to much time right now to do research for things to post up. So this might be the last one for a bit, but if the post is well received then that might help the series case.
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So Far Back Sunday: TNA Not Making Sense4/12/2015 ![]() Another Sunday has arrived and you know what that means it's time once again to again to go So Far Back. For this edition of So Far Back Sunday we go back to a time when TNA was just beginning the budget cuts that plague them through most of last year and were also once again attempting to rebuild the X-Division. Hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane: I thought TNA Wrestling was budget cutting? This is also why the company is thinking about taking Impact off the road in 2014 and keeping at a central location. TNA has let go of numerous wrestlers over the last few months and there have also been reports of the, possibility of TNA letting Hogan go. The point with Hogan will not be confirmed until it is either reported they signed a new contract or when his contract is up and he's not coming back. Now would getting Hogan's contract out of the way allow more flexibility that is very likely but how much flexibility is uncertain. How much would it take to help push TNA towards the right side? With the above headline it seems TNA is looking to once again rebuild the once prominent X-Division. Looking at this would remind most people of when WCW tried to rebuild the Cruiserweight division. Only WCW tried it once this has to be at least the third time in 3 years TNA is attempting to rebuild said division. For those who remember back when Austin Aries held the title for a year or so and brought some importance back to the title. What happen to the importance will some new, fresh faces to help rebuild and reinvigorate the once extremely popular division who knows? I think it will take more than just a mix of old & new faces to help the X-Division, time will also play a factor. Which waiting seems like something TNA doesn't seem like doing just look at who they sign as free agents? Just thought I would add this, I am not trying to be critical of TNA as I want to see them succeed because, I don't want to relive the dark age of wrestling where WWE is the only game in town. First before TNA starts spending an arm and a leg on a Big Name Free Agent like they have for a long time they should just do one thing instead. Look in OVW as they have a Training Academy for a reason, it's not a place to put people they don't want or have nothing for it's a place for people to hone their craft and get ready for the Big Show/TNA's Main Roster. If they have nobody down there either cut ties, look for potential prospects on the Indy Circuit, or Change the Developmental system. WWE changed who was in charge of developmental and it is much better, maybe TNA needs to do that.
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I know it's been a while since the first time I did a post from this series, but I have a lot of other things to write about and wanted to pick the right TV/movie appearance to follow up on. Also this isn't one of those series that I will do all of the time I will just do it whenever I feel like it. Well first I know some might be thinking why am I doing Boy Meets World again, well I just want to get the ones I know out of the way first. Also after from what I heard was a very successful first season the Boy Meets World sequel Girl Meets World, I thought it would be fitting. Now to Mick Foley's appearance on the show, first let's outline how he fits into the show with a quick summary of the episode. "Both couples Cory-Topanga and Angela-Shawn split up Topanga and Angela Move in with Rachael without telling Eric and Jack. So the boys go against the girls to see who gets the apartment and the girls win, and Eric vows to seek revenge on Topanga for beating him up so easily." When the girls go against the boys who appears in the door to be the ref in the match but Mick Foley and he proceeds to beat a little on Eric before the fight starts to show the rules. Most people may not remember it, but this appearance can be seen on the October 1 1999 episode of Boy Meets World and it was also very good because Mick at this point was one of the most popular wrestlers on the roster. (Credit for the description to Sorry for the Quality it was the Best I could find!
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Before we take the trip back allow me to set the stage for you all right now. In mid-2012 rumors started floating around that a new wrestling company would be coming in called Extreme Rising. This company would be co-owned by former ECW wrestler Shane Douglas. Long story short the company got off to a rocky start and within a year stopped running shows. But, now we jump to the end of 2013 and what at that point was thought to be a New Beginning for Extreme Rising, unfortunately things don't always go as planned. Now that I set things up enjoy this back in time: Opened in the Spring of 2012 with a show that was very lackluster and they pretty much started on the wrong foot. From all the issues on the first show, to canceling numerous other shows, to Stevie Richards saying he'd defend the World Title in an online game of Madden. A lot happened in the first full year of Extreme Rising's existence, but that has now changed. Now that the at one time partner of the Extreme Rising, Steve O' Neil has taken over the company things are different; from them attempting to get a TV contract in the local tri-state area to returning home. The crowd when they were in Philly last month was hot and ready to see wrestling again in the area so famous for independent wrestling. I remember watching the last show at the ECW Arena back in 2010 and having goose bumps the entire show. There was no better way to welcome wrestling back to The Arena than with Extreme Rising. I am very happy to see wrestling back where it belongs and I am also very happy to Extreme Rising working out. Below is a video from their Unfinished Business show from December 28 2013. Enjoy (Unfortunately the Original Video I had with this post is no longer available to me.)
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E: 60: WWE Behind The Curtain4/3/2015
It was reported a few weeks back that ESPN would airing an episode of their E 60 documentary series about the WWE entitled WWE Behind The Curtain. The E 60 team where at Full Sail University for an NXT show earlier this year shooting footage of NXT and WWE for this documentary. This is coming off the heals of the Von Erich 30 for 30 Short Film which was a success and maybe in the future we will see a 30 for 30 about WWE. Below is a tweet from the E 60 Twitter Page about this documentary:
In reality my expectations are not very high partly because I really don't know what to expect from this documentary that will air on 5/5/15. Though ESPN always nails documentaries like this and makes you learn more then you thought you would from the documentary. Also the presentation of the documentaries always look fantastic, I have seen numerous documentaries/short films from ESPN and have never been disappointed and I think it's fair to say May 5 2015 when this E 60: Behind the Curtain airs it will be no different. As of this writing the talent featured in the documentary is unknown but it is said that a mix of both Main roster & NXT talent is expected. Below is the video trailer of the E 60 which gives a little glimpse into what to expect. Enjoy!!! |