January 2024
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Predictions for 2018 in Wrestling11/30/2017 Though it feels like yesterday that 2016 was wrapping up and 2017 was getting going it is time to start doing the same for 2017 as we move to 2018. Now I know that many sites & content creators will be making some predictions for 2018 and I thought I would jump on the gravy train. With that being said even though I don't give as much of the "spotlight" to somethings as I do other everything will have a little bit of it in this. Check out what I think could happen next year:
- New Japan will continue to expand into the states and will have more shows next year then the two they had this year. Though this might seem obvious there have been rumors that NJPW may be developing an American branch of the company which would absolutely lead to the company expanding the American shows. After the addition of the United State title it could be clear that NJPW is trying to grow outside of Japan. - Ask for Impact Wrestling well I think that the company will still be in business number one, but stability will come for the company as well. By that I mean we wont be hearing about negative things that are plaguing the company. Now I know negative press is something that has hurt the company for years at this point, but I think its to the point that more positive news will be up front. This might be positive thinking, but I also don't think that there is much else that could happen to Impact Wrestling at this point.
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Random Wrestling Video of the Day11/28/2017 It's time to revisit an old series before the year is up as I have found another very random video to share with you all. To give this video a little context the time period in question is early 1990 prior to WrestleMania. The initial plan was for Mike Tyson to be a guest referee for Saturday Night's Main Event special, but he would pull out of the appearance after his loss to Buster Douglas. Anyone who remembers the fight between Mike and Buster Douglas know that Mike would actually fall to Buster, but the reason I bring it up is that Buster would take Mike's spot as the guest ref for the match. They go onto discuss how Vince actually pitched the idea of Hogan against Tyson at WrestleMania to Mike and Mike turned it down.
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Polling the Crowd: Part 111/26/2017 One thing that I mentioned a few days ago is trying to maintain over the years is consistency with the yearly posts that I do. Normally I have done this post series over the summer but unforeseen circumstances have put the series off until now. As always I want to thank those who took part in the series this time around.
Question: Do you think social media has caused people to forget how to be fans or just become more vocal? KMPodcast: I'd say it's given us a much louder voice nowadays in comparison to when we didn't have social media. Bryan: I feel as though with the expansion of social media into Pro Wrestling it has led fans to become much more vocal about decisions and things going on backstage. This makes fans more prone to boo wrestlers if they're being bad behind the scenes or bring up real-life situations at events to try a break the fourth wall in some cases. Social Media has caused people to get quicker knowledge of backstage happenings and be able to react instantly and aim it towards the wrestlers themselves instead of having to wait till your at the arena to express your opinion to the wrestler in question. Gabrielle: I don’t think social media has caused people to forget how to be fans and be more vocal. I think people use these platforms (Twitter, Facebook etc.) because it's an easy access tool to express opinions, it's instantaneous. And yes, some people use them to be vocal just for the sake of being vocal. But I don’t think social media is a direct cause of that. Tom: I think social media has caused fans to evolve. It used to be where programs would be aired and if you had an opinion on the matter, you would have to take effort and time in order to voice that opinion to their league or channel. Whether it be writing a letter or calling the Network airing the program. Nowadays with social media, everyone has a voice and it is easy to put your voice out there. If enough people are voicing a similar opinion, then the leagues or networks can listen to their viewers for instant feedback. Through the Ropes PW: "Yes....One hundred percent. Social media is a platform for any type of fan to comment his or her opinions whether they are just thanking a wrestler for a great match, or going above their station and giving out advice to the wrestlers and promoters/bookers, on how to do their jobs! If you look back at when wrestling actually thrived on a constant and consistent level, their weren't fleets of rebellious fans who fought against every decision a booker made, They may have shown displeasure, like a wrestling show should bring out in people, but not to where they would write in and order for a change, That's because fans knew their place, whether it was as a viewer or as a member of the audience at the events, the fans never would have dreamed of going to the promoters or phoning them up at home and complaining that they're favourite didn't win. It was how it was and now that it has become easier to voice opinions, people take the liberty of abusing that closer connection to the wrestlers and force what they want....Yes it may be down to the knowledge that wrestling is predetermined, which gives the fans the idea that they can control the outcomes, but at the end of the day, when you watch TV soap operas, the viewers just watch the product, and either like it or don't, that's it. You have every right to your opinion, to post what you would have liked to have happened, like a lot of people do, but people think that because of it being a written show, they can write it better, so their attentions are not on being a viewer or a fan, but as a writer."
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What am I Thankful For?11/23/2017 Since I started this website something I have always tried to do was stay consistent with some yearly ideas. One of those things has been coming together on Thanksgiving is figuring out what I could be thankful for. Honestly, this year has been unlike anything every before I have gone through truly due to the personal effects of the year, but in some ways almost this year was a new period of my writing. For example, one of the ideas and concepts that have always been centered in my writing is fan interaction, and though I have been slacking in that department this year and even though there are good reasons there is no good excuse.
Truly, there are only a few things I could pinpoint as being thankful for of everything that has happened this year. I have been thankful for the continued growth of the website and support as well but also the continued development of both working & friendships. There is no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't be where I am socially without Wrestling Express & I thank all of you for that and you know who you are. The other part that I am thankful for is the idea of being able to research and further develop another wrinkle of wrestling express. Though I could further elaborate and add depth to this part but I am trying to watch what I include here. For those of you who may have seen my appearances on the various podcasts I have had the pleasure to be on this year, I think you'd be aware of what I'm talking about. Just the idea that I could sit around and write something that could one day come together as a book is incredible to think about, because it is something that I never thought possible. As this year wraps up I look back and I will admit that I am extremely thankful for each and every one of you that I have come to this site and read even one article I wrote. I've said this a lot over the years but this trip wouldn't be as much fun without each and every one of you coming along for the ride.
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Why an event on Thanksgiving Could Work11/22/2017 During the territory era and into the early 1990's both top American wrestling companies would hold major events on Thanksgiving night. Both WCW & WWE both held events on this night as both Survivor Series & Starrcade were held on this night. For the first few years both companies would have their Thanksgiving day tradition. Somewhere along the line both events would move from the holiday to different times during the year, but I think something like this could work.
Fact of the matter is wrestling has gone through many periods over the years and they have always been extremely fixed on having a heavy presence on social media. Also since 2014 when the company kicked off with the start of the WWE Network and though it was bumpy at first, but seems to have hit it's stride. The Network has been the greatest thing for the WWE and the fans as it allows the fans to access all PPV for just a small fee rather than charging $60 for all events. However, what I can say that it seems like things are changing in the world of wrestling considering the change of events like "Beast in the East." With all this being said I do think that if the WWE or another major wrestling could hold an event on Thanksgiving night would work and draw a decent enough crowd. I am aware that most people would say that having an event on Thanksgiving wouldn't be right and that the guys should be off for the night. I would say that Thanksgiving is special but after a certain time most people are free and clear from Turkey Day plans to do as they please. This would open the back half of the day to a wrestling event and with the connivance of the internet this would make things all he more easier.
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Hall of Fames Matter: Part 311/18/2017 Even though all major sports have a Hall of Fame from the NHL to NBA to MLB in my opinion only one really gets a ton of coverage and that is the MLB. Every January the talk commences for who will be next on the long list of former players to punch their ticket to Cooperstown. Though the members of the writers association are very selective and some times make mistakes of who they don't pick the Baseball Hall of Fame is one of the most prestigious places in all of sports. I am not trying to compare the MLB Hall of Fame to a wrestling one, but what I am getting at is that people from all over the world visit Cooperstown, NY for one reason and one reason only. The reason for all the tourists in upstate New York is the Baseball Hall of Fame.
For years rumors have persisted that the WWE has been playing with the idea of building a physical Hall of Fame, but nothing ever comes of it. The WWE could afford a physical building especially if they can find room for it down in Florida and much like the baseball Hall of Fame it will attract tourists. The point I am trying to make is that if given the chance wrestling fans would flock to a Hall of Fame if WWE was to build one. However, now you may ask "Well your right that fans would flock to it, but why don't fans go to the wrestling Hall of Fame that already exists?" This is good question and the answer is that most fans don't know it exists, because they don't realize it. The reason is that the WWE are in possession of a lot historic wrestling memorabilia that can only be found in the WWE warehouse. Overall this is the reason that I think that the WWE should make the strides to start building a physical Hall of Fame building and not just having it be a title like it has since the start of the Hall of Fame.
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Problems booking in WWE11/16/2017 For the first time in quite a long time I will be kicking off a new series with Total extreme Wrestling. The last new series I put together for the let's play section is the WWE/WCW Invasion series. However, after complaining a heavy amount about the lack of respect fans were showing during Summerslam weekend; I chose to take it upon myself to book the WWE. The reason I am trying to make this series feel different then others is really for two reasons. First of all over the summer the WWE's booking seemed to be the weakest it's been for a long time as even though it seems the WWE was building to something as we have seen. Second of all I really am just trying something new to kick off a lets play series.
Though looking at the WWE booking now it has gotten so much better it doesn't change the fact that they could've started the momentum a lot sooner as a way to avoid fans losing interest. Now I know some might say it's WWE and nobody ever loses interest forever and that might be true but this is more about consistency. In the past I have centered series around finding stability within the company now I don't think that the WWE needs stability but more consistency. Over the years, the WWE has had a tough time with developing new stars and even though Braun Strowman has been built up masterfully everyone else has been either hit or miss. Also in my opinion Braun isn't truly ready to become the leader of the company and World Champion just yet which is just another problem. It's almost like the WWE has forgotten how to really make new stars. For example, look at the booking of Bray Wyatt and compare that to the booking of Braun Strowman. But right now sharp in and get ready for my attempts to bring consistency to the WWE.
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Omega vs Jericho at Wrestle Kingdom11/13/2017 For WWE fans the month of January means we have entered WrestleMania season and in many respects the most interesting time of year for WWE. However, for fans outside of the WWE the month of January means one thing and that is that it's time once again for Wrestle Kingdom. I will admit before a few years ago I had no idea about Wrestle Kingdom or how much of a big deal it is. The reason I got into NJPW is two matches that actually hold the match of year honors for 2015 & 2016 which both matches took place at Wrestle Kingdom. The two matches in question are Kota Ibushi vs Shinsuke Nakamura and Okada vs Tanahashi. The newest thing that I have found about NJPW from watching more videos on the company I can honestly say that they take long term booking to a whole new level. A perfect example of this is that at Wrestle Kingdom 12 we will see Naito vs Okada which is a feud that started back in 2013 and will come to a head. Recently, though the news broke that another huge match has been made for the event. Also I just want to mention that the genuine shock from the announcers just made everything even better. The fact that come Wrestle Kingdom 12 we will be seeing "Alpha vs Omega" at the event as well is in incredible. For those who may not what I am talking about well take a look at the video below:
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DVD Review: Kevin Nash Guest Booker11/11/2017 It has been far too long since my last review but I finally sat down and watched a DVD to review. Now if you don't know what the Guest Booker series is all about well it is a concept developed by and they sit with a former wrestler/booker to discuss an event like Montreal Screwjob & NWO formation. This DVD specifically was with Kevin Nash discussing the idea if he and Scott never left the WWF in 1996. Overall, I really don't think that this was a good edition of the series and I actually think it was one of the few bad ones. I felt like they more or less they focused more on what really happened and how it effected the WWE as a company. Instead of focusing what the DVD is titled they focused on Nash and his career. Below are some details that have been discussed in the DVD: - Word association on former WCW Creative team - Society and how it effects wrestling - Thoughts on ECW and being a fan of the company - Views of champions and long title reigns - How to fix the WWE in 1996 to try and set the company forward. - Details on what really happened & how tension things were at first.
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This Day in Wrestling History: 11/5/1711/5/2017 As always wrestling gives us both great memories and memories we try and forget, but with the amount of moments worth remembering that have happened we are bound to forget some. The same could be said about some talent that were very much underrated during their career or never at the top of a company during a run this unfortunately makes it easier for fans to forget certain talent. In wrestling we also sometimes need to honor those who aren't with us anymore. I would like to wish a very big Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating their special day today and especially to the one featured below.