January 2024
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This Day in Wrestling History: 6/30/176/30/2017 The concept of this series is to highlight important events in the history of pro-wrestling. Which also include celebrating the birthdays of both some of wrestling's most influential and forgotten stars. I always enjoy giving the history of wrestling the spotlight and giving those who don't always get a chance to shine their moment in the sun. For the first time I thought as a way to mix things up I will feature three different wrestlers in the post. Now I used to do this a lot in the past, but I stopped because I never thought it really fit and I also thought that just two videos looked better, think of this as an experiment.
Happy Birthday to Will Ferrera who turns 26 years old
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This Day in Wrestling History: 6/25/176/25/2017 Wrestling gives us both great memories and memories we try and forget, but with the amount of moments worth remembering that have happened we are bound to forget some. The same could be said about some talent that were very much underrated during their career or never at the top of a company during a run this unfortunately makes it easier for fans to forget certain talent. I would like to wish a very big Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating their special day today and especially to the one featured below.
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Corgan's NWA: What Else We Know6/21/2017 Looking through information about the sale of the NWA to Billy Corgan it still surprises me that Corgan actually went through with the purchase and owns a wrestling company. But at this time it is official that no tape libraries are involved in the sale and the NWA On Demand streaming service is also not a part of the sale either. At this time, there have been no talks of talents attached to the promotion. Corgan is focusing on completing the sale and building his plans and strategies for the NWA brand name.
Once Corgan finalizes the sale, he will assess the brand and build a plan for going forward. This will be the first of many steps for Corgan as he begins to mold the NWA into the image he wants for the band. It has been made known that former TNA writer Dave Lagana is 100% on board with the project and is working with Corgan. Also it is worth noting that there are technically no members of the NWA, Bruce Tharpe owned the NWA and brand, he was instead selling licenses for promoters to use the NWA initials. At this point some details are still missing, but that is expected with such a big story and we will now have to play the waiting game to see what happens next.
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A Special Anniversary6/12/2017 One year ago I was in the process of going through issues bigger than the world of professional wrestling and really just wondering what was wrong. See back in January I switched hosts for the site and gave up a lot of control and really around this time last year I was losing interest in writing. Honestly, it was around this time that I began to think about closing up shop and just walking away from writing and Wrestling Express in general.
It was actually around today last year that I made the decision to move back to the original host site like this place. I am not going to lie I did walk away from a year long commitment with one web host to return here before "I could" and that is something I have never done, because it would be considered going against my word. If there is one thing that I value and that I feel should carry a lot of weight it is my word and I didn't keep this time, for the first time. I think back and wonder were this site would be if I didn't make the switch back to where I was in year one and I honestly believe it wouldn't exist anymore. If this site didn't exist I don't know where I would be and I wouldn't know how to spend everyday. Wrestling is important to me not because I have been a fan of it for the last 19 years, but because it gave me a purpose and it made me feel complete. Like I have a reason to get up every morning and something to look forward to every night when I go sleep. Knowing that even one person cares enough to read the "articles" that I write is surreal and an incredible feeling. But I also wanted to add that this site was never about the views or making money I mean don't get me wrong it would be incredible to make money doing this, but it isn't the be all end all. I love what I do and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I thank all of you for allowing me to do this and love what I do, because without this site I wouldn't have had the privilege to have met a lot of great people and some people I am very lucky to be able to call friends. Thank You and don't worry I am not going anywhere any time soon.
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WCW: What Can I Say Part 16/8/2017 Recently, I have been speaking to various podcasts regarding research I have been doing for the last year and a half or so. So after a long time of keeping things a secret it's time to come clean and share with you the secrets. Where do we start well back in the Fall of 2015 I started to research the sale of World Championship Wrestling. I didn't just hit the small either at one point I was able to time line out a year and a half of events from September 1999 to the Spring of 2001.
Over the course of researching I have found a lot of information regarding the events that took place over this time period shockingly more than you'd is actually public access. A lot of what I found I was able to fact checking and finding other articles that match what I found. At this point I have made the decision that I am not yet ready to talk in depth about this subject and instead may write a book which will detail everything. One thing that I have heard over the course of researching the company is that at this point it was 17 years ago and the interest just isn't there anymore. Well I hate to break to those who believe that, but not everything writers do is just for the sake of getting views. As I can say without doubt I didn't begin to research the sale of WCW for the sake of views. The reason I started the research for me and to follow a hunch that I had developed due to the information that was available to me. Having the ability to let my voice be heard and share the story that I have been sitting on since October 2015 is an incredible feeling. I'm not done talking about this subject yet just one thing has to be worked out before I go a little more in depth with it.
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Billy Corgan's NWA6/5/2017 Though things have been a little stagnant in the WWE things have begun to change very much in recent months for companies outside of the WWE on the Indies. Including the oldest governing body in wrestling the National Wrestling Alliance which has been recently purchased by Billy Corgan. The former Smashing Pumkins front man and TNA Wrestling President had agreed in principle to purchase the all things NWA which include the name, right, trademarks to the NWA as well as the right and possession of the NWA championship belt.
Now for those who don't know about the NWA or haven't heard anything about the brand in recent years well let me elaborate. Under Bruce Tharpe's leadership the NWA changed from a group that allowed members to join to a promotion that instead licensed the NWA letters out to those willing to pay to use them. Over the years since Tharpe took over the company the NWA have redeveloped the brand overseas in Japan to the point that the NWA actually matters again in Japan. This isn't the first trip into the wrestling business for Corgan as he was one of the men behind the Chicago based Revolution Pro-Wrestling. At this time it is still unclear what part Corgan will play in the near future for the NWA, but one thing is for certain and that is Billy did find his way into the wrestling business just like he said he would.
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Wrestling gives us both great memories and memories we try and forget, but with the amount of moments worth remembering that have happened we are bound to forget some. The same could be said about some talent that were very much underrated during their career or never at the top of a company during a run this unfortunately makes it easier for fans to forget certain talent. I would like to wish a very big Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating their special day today and especially to the one featured below.