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The Truth About Why I Write4/23/2015 A couple of weeks ago I called into question people who run with stories or post stories on their site or blog without first either putting forth effort to prove the story or at least saying it is a rumor and making sure everyone knows it is. This post will not be about that it has nothing to do with those people who don't have enough pride in their work or care about their readers enough to post confirmed and truthful stories. This post is about me and I am here writing every day and night for you all to read. As you all know I have been at this for a good amount of time at this point and even after 6 years I can say that I really do still enjoy doing this tremendously. But my writing has never really been about finding insider information and being a "dirt-sheet" or a wrestling news site. For the last 16 years I have lived, breathed, ate, and slept wrestling and would not trade any of that time that I spent being a fan for the world. As I mentioned above for the last 6 years I have had a phenomenal experience of being able to use the internet to freely express my opinion about the sport that I have such a passion for and have a vast knowledge of. Before y'all jump to any conclusions I am not shutting down this site and will get to my point right now. I will admit that there used to be a time where I was a "proud member" of the IWC or Internet Wrestling Community, but because of the attitude of fellow members and the fact that I woke up to realize that most people in that community forgot what it is like to be a fan. If I am being honest for a time I forgot what it was like to be a fan, and I will say that I am very ashamed of that, because right now being a fan should be the most important thing for me. As that is what I am, I am not a writer, I am not a worker, and I have absolutely No right to tell wrestlers how to work; because I am a fan of the wrestling industry and am damn proud of it as should anyone else who’s a FAN!! And by the way if you’re not a part of the wrestling business in reality then not are you delusional, but you’re just a fan like everyone else. Top of Form Truth be told I guess what I am saying that people get so wrapped up in how they believe a company should be run or how a wrestler should be booked, or what move should have been in at a particular time or even in the arena. If you're going to spend your money or your time to watch a wrestling show just to complain about it, then you need to take a look at yourself and how your life, because it must be very depressing if you willingly sit through something you hate just to complain about it. There is so much more to the industry that one has to learn before they can say honestly that they could book a show, I know a vast amount about this profession, but will NEVER say I know everything because I don't though I am extremely willing and always open to learn more. Years ago I firmly believed that I could have done a better job booking 6 hours of WWE a week the team they had in place could, but now I realize I was ignorant as booking 6 hours of TV a week is extremely difficult and stressful. I guess the point I am trying to make is that no matter how much knowledge I learn about this profession, I hope never to lose touch with the idea that right now I am a fan. Though I write about wrestling on a daily basis that doesn't mean I am special or know what is happening backstage, because not every site is about that. I want this site to be known and remembered for having honest, truthful, and real posts that were confirmed or that I tried my damn hardest to confirm. Bottom of Form For the last 4 months I have done everything for this site by myself, and I wouldn't trade any of the time I spent editing, writing, researching to make the site better, for anything in the world, because every night when I go look at the stats and I see the amount of people that have read my stuff over the course the day it is the most rewarding and humbling thing in the world and I think anyone who has never felt it should feel it because it is a great feeling. I would love and be honored to share it with anyone willing to take on the responsibility to write posts with pride and respect for the reader.
To reiterate from before this is not the end of the site, I give you my word and I hope that means something. It is just that if I have learned anything from a particular promoter it's that always being honest with the people who view/read your product is the right way to do business. I am very extremely grateful for the amount support I have received and continue to receive for this site, and you guys and gals are what drives me to keep doing it. Thank You for giving a purpose and helping me realize writing isn't all that bad. Also Thank You for reading by far the longest post I have ever done not separated into multiple parts. Last Thank You is once again to all of you for allowing me to poor out my emotion in the form of words and a very long "essay" I am extremely appreciative.
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