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You Won't Pass This Test3/17/2018 If someone has potential in wrestling it usually is something that wrestling fans debate excessively and to the point that if everyone isn't in agreement then an argument is likely to follow. Fact is back during the "Era of Attitude" a lot of stars who had great potential never were able to reach their potential on the large scale for one reason or another. One of those names have their namesake in the title of this article, that is correct.... Test or Andrew Martin.
When Test debuted in the WWF he was said to have been the former bodyguard of the group Motley Crew and in Kayfabe he was. Fact is that when Test debut he was something out of the pre-steroid trial WWF. He had the look and athletic ability in the ring to become a star, but if only he could've put it all together and hit his potential. See for those who may not remember Test wasn't a good promo at all and his lack of charisma in many ways ended any chance of him becoming a star. However, for a talent with his size and height it is crazy to think he was able to execute the picture perfect elbow drop he could and if you have never seen it well it was a thing of beauty. In my early years of being a fan I was a fan of Test, but as I learned more about the backstage happenings it became clear someone back there wasn't. Let me explain, see most fans today would think seeing Stephanie McMahon with someone other than Triple H would be crazy. But in the Summer of 1999 it wasn't Triple H feuding with Shane for his blessing to marry Stephanie it was Test feuding with Shane. Test did win the feud and the weeding would be set, but then everything got interrupted by Triple H and everyone knows the rest of the story, but there is something missing and that is why Test never got revenge. Triple H ruined his weeding, stole his bride, and made him look like a chump; but Test never got any sort of revenge this is why it became clear that Test wasn't thought of too highly backstage. Overall, Test did have a solid career and maybe in hindsight he didn't have too much potential but I still do think that Andrew Martin could have been a headliner in the WWE at some point.
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